
Suspect who broke out of Rasdhoo Police Station caught at sea

AA. Rasdhoo (R) and Kuramathi Island Resort (L). (Photo/Google Earth)

Hussain Shahbaaan, 25, Dhanbuge, AA. Himandhoo, a suspect jailed pending outcome of trial who broke out of AA. Rasdhoo Police Station, has been rearrested after getting caught swimming in the lagoon of a nearby island.

Shahban, a suspect in a drug-related case, broke out of the police station on Friday after he was taken out of his holding cell.

Police, following their unsuccessful efforts to locate Shahbaan, disclosed his identity in a public appeal for help in locating the escapee on Saturday evening. He was located not long after, at approximately 6:35pm on Saturday evening, swimming in the lagoon of a nearby island.

Police, in a message to the media, said he was in good health and confirmed he had been rearrested. 

Although Police did not disclose the exact lagoon where he was caught, Sun has learned that he was caught swimming in the lagoon of Kuramathi Maldives Resort, nearby Rasdhoo. 
