
Donations to Palestine open via m-Faisaa

Ooredoo Maldives is offering customers the chance to make donations through m-Faisaa to help the Palestinians in Gaza, which is under heavy bombardment amid the Israel-Hamas war.

To donate via m-Faisaa:

  • Log in to mFaisaa via Ooredoo App
  • Select Smart Pay and Scan QR code on the creative or enter the m-Faisaa account number: 9306501
  • Enter amount and confirm payment

The donations made via m-Faisaa will be provided to Palestinians through the International Aid Campaign (IAC) Maldives.

IAC Maldives’ team is in Gaza and is providing emergency relief to the people affected by the war.

The organization raised MVR 1.9 million in emergency funds in one day to assist Palestinians.

Hamas launched a surprise attack on Saturday, after Israeli settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in recent days, and a record number of Palestinians were killed by Israel in recent months.

Israel has targeted Gaza with heavy bombardment, and has announced a “total blockade” on Gaza, including a ban on water and food, in retaliation.

The war has killed 560 Palestinians, injured over 2,900, and displaced more than 120,000 in the besieged Palestinian enclave.
