
Committee approves Zareer instead of Yazeed for Tax Commissioner

Parliament’s Committee on Economic Affairs approves Hussain Zareer, former Deputy Commissioner General of Taxation, as the Commissioner General of Taxation.

Parliament’s Committee on Economic Affairs, on Tuesday, approved Hussain Zareer, former Deputy Commissioner General of Taxation, as the Commissioner General of Taxation.

The post of Commissioner General of Taxation became vacant after Fathuhulla Jameel – who was appointed to the post in 2019 – resigned on February 1st to contest in April’s parliamentary election.

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu sent his nominations for the post -  selected from among candidates who responded to an open application, and were ranked based on the president’s preference – on March 13th.

His nominations were Yazeed Mohamed who served as the Commissioner General of Taxation during former Maldivian president Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom’s administration, followed Zareer, who had served Yazeed’s deputy.

On Tuesday, Zareer received approval of the Parliament’s Economic Affairs Committee with 10 votes. Yazeed had only received four votes.

Zareer currently serves as the chairperson of Bank of Maldives (BML). He was appointed to the post on March 25th.

Both Yazeed and Zareer had lost their positions following a 2019 amendment to the Taxation Act.
